Management control

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Management control
Change to compete
Small and medium-sized companies are faced with the ever-increasing pace of change with everchanging demand for goods and services. With the need to contain fixed costs, both factors mentioned above require new organizational models, seeking a different way of interaction with different business functions. In order to compete, THINK TEAM is convinced that it is essential to innovate and differentiate from an organizational point of view.
Innovation Innovation Innovation
THINK TEAM’s ability to innovate and differentiate guarantees a competitive and lasting advantage.
Innovating not only means creating new products and services but also improving systems and introducing new customer-oriented business concepts.
According to the well-known economist Peter Drucker: “Business has only two core functions: Marketing and Innovation. Marketing and Innovation produce results, all the rest represents costs”.
Designing business processes
THINK TEAM deals with a real integration, a second reading of the organizational structure, not in terms of hierarchical functions, but in terms of processes that undergo the structure and involve different functions.
Understanding these processes helps to improve the efficiency of the organization and makes people aware of their role: the existence of “downstream” customers within the company.
In fact, “internal customers’ “ satisfaction becomes a precondition for “external customers’ one”.
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