Software House
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Software House
Digital strategy and IT consulting
Information technologies are rapidly evolving. Modern companies can no longer remain harnessed in old patterns but must be able to use the opportunities of this evolution to compete on the markets and stand out from their competitors.
The new areas of development are clear and deal with four trends: artificial intelligence, internet, increased reality and mobile apps.Think Team professionals believe in technology as a major factor of transformation and success.
They integrate existing systems and design new and better software for the productive, commercial and relational customer management.
Customized software
Thanks to our experience in the field, we think that every company needs personalised tools of production control and commercial management. According to this need, there are professionals with vertical skills in our company.
We are able to integrate programs in use and operational procedures into new personalised software without upsetting current company activities.
Apps mobile
Nowadays companies depend on the use of versatile devices such as smartphones or tablets. In that way, companies may deal with “everywhere and everytime” risks when transferring and managing data.
We are able to develop new mobile apps, with broader strategies, serving the marketing, the customer and the company stackholders.
Thanks to the apps, companies extend their products or services rapidly and in a fascinating way.
Server consolidation and iCloud services
The paradox of the rapid evolution of information systems is that efficiency in growth may be lost. For this reason, it is necessary to rationalize the existing equipment. For instance, it would be effective, so as to reduce costs: to use serving consolidation techniques that allows the grouping of several systems into a single one.
Reducing costs generates other advantages, such as, rapid server restoration thanks to the new rescue techniques, greater security and scalability of developing new services and the ability to use operating systems with new applications.
Web Premium
Integration is the path that can be used to make corporate services usable in order to communicate openly with partners, suppliers and customers.
Think Team professionals know the dynamics of the internet world. In addition, they guide customers to integrate all the corporate communication tools, not only as regards internal management but also social network and e-commerce.
Integration and personalization according to the customer’s need are the goals.
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